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Diagnostic Tests

Dr. Jogiya offers access to a wide range of different Cardiac Tests across specialist centres in Kingston-upon-Thames and London. Cardiac tests range from ECGs and monitoring to in-depth studies including angiograms and radiology scans. Dr. Jogiya can refer you to a number of local centres ensuring you receive the best care and lowest wait times at the most competitive price. Dr. Jogiya maintains a good connection with a number of cardiac and diagnostic centres across Kingston-upon-Thames, but he is also able to refer you to a clinic of your choice should you have any certain preferences.


Fees for any of the tests and procedures below are set by the clinics and hospitals individually and are not controlled by Dr. Jogiya. If you wish to be referred to a specific clinic for your tests, please inform Dr. Jogiya during your consultation and he will endeavor to meet any requests.















Non-Invasive Tests

A list of the common non-invasive Cardiac tests requested by Dr. Jogiya can be found below. Click on each test for more information:


  • 12 Lead ECG - An Electrocardiogram is a simple test which looks at the electrical conduction of the heart from 12 different vectors.


  • Echocardiogram - An Echo is a specialised ultrasound scan to look at the structure and function of the heart including the valves and chambers.​


  • ECG Monitor - An ECG monitor (or Holter monitor) looks at the heart's electrical conduction over a longer duration (24 hours to 14 days).


  • Blood Pressure Monitor - A BP monitor records regular blood pressure measurements throughout the day and night to measure any fluctuations.


  • Exercise Tolerance Test - An Exercise test looks at the conduction of the heart during exercise and exertion combining exercise with an ECG.


  • Stress Echocardiogram - A stress Echo is an ultrasound conducted with exercise to look at the function of the heart and valves under exertion.


  • Chest X-Ray - A chest x-ray will be able to assess the chest structure and can look at the shape of the heart and surrounding structures.


  • Cardiac MRI - A C-MRI is a specialised scan to look at the heart muscle in greater depth using MRI scanning technology.


  • Tilt Test - A tilt test assess the causes of dizziness, loss of consciousness or 'syncope' by reproducing your symptoms while monitoring your heart.


Invasive Tests & Procedures

Sometimes, Dr. Jogiya may ask his patients to undergo further testing in order to make a reliable diagnosis. These tests are more invasive and will better enable Dr. Jogiya to formally diagnose and then treat the condition. Sometimes Dr. Jogiya may also request some invasive procedures to help with the treatment of your condition. Details of these can be found below:​


  • Blood Tests - blood tests can be used to indicate the health of the heart and detect any abnormalities which may lead to your symptoms


  • Coronary Angiogram - During this test, a catheter is advanced to the heart to look for any narrowing or blockages in the coronary arteries.


  • Angioplasty / Stent - This procedure aims to open any narrowed or blocked coronary arteries with the use of a balloon or stent.


  • DC Cardioversion - A DCCV is a procedure whereby an abnormal heart rhythm is 'reset' during a controlled shock under general anaesthetic.


  • Ablation Procedures - This procedure aims to isolate any parts of the heart muscle or conduction system which create irregular heart rhythms.


  • Pacemaker / Device Implant - A pacemaker or CRT device may be needed to regulate the heart's electrical conduction and monitor abnormalities.


Other Cardiac Surgery - Other surgeries such as valve replacements, implants and bypass procedures can also be requested. Please speak to Dr. Jogiya about these procedures during your consultation as you may require a referral to a specialist surgeon.


Other Services & Specialist Tests


DVLA Testing - Dr. Jogiya is highly experienced in Cardiac testing and certification for professional drivers including Transport for London and other associations. If you are looking for DVLA medical testing, contact Dr. Jogiya through his private clinic for more information.


Cardiac Rehabilitation - following Cardiac surgery or other major Cardiac events, Dr. Jogiya can support patients through rehabilitation programmes which suit their needs. With connections to centres across Kingston-upon-Thames and South West London, you will receive the very best care and support on your journey to getting back to normality. For more information, contact Dr. Jogiya using the contact form here.



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Dr Jogiya is a registered Consultant under the General Medical Council in the United Kingdom.  GMC Number 6105400.

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